Serving Sierra Leone
Together, we can have a meaningful impact on future generations.
Please donate via our nonprofit partner ColoradoGives by clicking "donate" below. You can also text "MCNC" to "44321" to get a secure link to donate specifically to build a new maternity center. All donations are tax-deductible.
“I was fortunate to visit the NarSarah Clinic along with my students. The need for the clinic is readily apparent. More than anything, though, I was struck by the central role the clinic and its staff play in the community. The trust people have in the clinic and its primary caregivers are palpable and inspiring. In a country beset by so many obstacles, the clinic stood out to me as a true fountain of hope.”
-Dr. Wade Roberts
"It is apparent that those who work at the clinic are very dedicated and want to serve those around them. If it was not there, so many more people would suffer or die. The people will always be close to my heart. We were treated like family by so many people. It was difficult to leave. I will do my best to see about coming back sometime and/or encouraging other doctors to go."
-Dr Mark Rosen
"And what will we take home of Africa, other than t-shirts, and bags, and dresses, and carvings? A profound sense of beauty, of the friendliness of the people, and also of extreme need. A sense of being powerless in the face of such extreme circumstances, but also a sense of awe at the resiliency of the human spirit. A powerful, moving, wonderful trip!!!
-Gordon Smith
"The sky was clear and the moon bright — we say goodbye to Sweet Salone tomorrow — a time of work and tears — fun and giggles — songs and silence. We are grateful for this country and the strength of its people, and we will always remember."
-Elaine Blinn
"It was hard to leave them. What a wonderful experience… The people here so appreciate anything that we can do. Sometimes it seems we are just scratching the surface. There is so much that can be done and should be done. These are good and wonderful people. Bright, hardworking, kind, friendly, and happy with so little."
-Mark Gruzinski
Please contact us at if you or anyone you know would like to volunteer or donate supplies.